Monday, February 4, 2008

A Bookmobile Early Literacy Story

At a mobile home park we have been seeing a young woman, Amanda, who is staying with her grandmother while in the last few months of her pregnancy. (Long story short, the guy turned out to be a lemon). She had a little girl last week. When I took books to the grandmother this morning she told me a great story. Amanda and her grandmother have been reading aloud to each other for a couple of months, bookmobile books of course. Well the baby recognized both of their voices from the first moments of her life! She turns toward them whenever they speak. At the hospital, the nurses only interested her for a moment and then she once again would seek out the new mama or the grandmother. So here is a literacy tip we can share - not only is it great to read to your baby, it is great to read to your unborn child.

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